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My WUsm
Keep redeeming your points for rewards and stay tuned for a new loyalty program.
Explore rewards
Save 10% on your next money transfer fee¹!”
Save 25% on your next money transfer fee¹!”
Save 50% on your next money transfer fee¹!”
Frequently asked questions
We know you work hard for your money and we’re always by your side improving our services to help simplify and power your finances. We heard from you that our current rewards program needs to change. Although we’ve put a pause on earning new points, you can still enroll and redeem existing points. Sign up for free today to hear what’s coming next.
You can enroll in the My WU loyalty program by registering in person at your nearest agent location. You can then log in to your account using your My WU number, printed at the top of your receipt to check the point’s balance and redeem points for a discount with just two clicks.
Yes, if you have enough rewards points, you can continue to redeem them to get the reward like before as they expire per T&Cs. There are no changes to the redemption functionality and the rewards points redeemed as discounts will be automatically applied to a money transfer as usual. All the outstanding points in your account will remain valid and expire as per T&Cs.
Data privacy is our top priority. We are committed to protecting your personal information in accordance with Fair Information Practices and applicable data protection laws to provide the best service for you. For more on our data privacy, head to our Privacy Statement section.
¹Western Union also makes money from currency exchange. When choosing a money transmitter, carefully compare both transfer fees and exchange rates. Fees and foreign exchange rates may vary by brand, channel, and location based on a number of factors. Fees and rates subject to change without notice. Subject to applicable taxes (if any).